Cabbage Picture


Cabbage, a cruciferous family, is a green vegetable rich in vitamin C. It has toning properties by covering 50% of our vitamin B1 requirements for the transmission of nerve impulses and vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants.It is also a source of minerals such as potassium, which keeps us in shape all winter long. Rich in fibre, it acts on difficult transits. In addition to being a healthy and balanced food, cabbage is an ally for form and line: it provides only 22 kcal / 100 g.

Medical properties

Cabbage has medical properties against gastric ulcers, gout, muscle pain or alcoholism. To relieve the pain of osteoarthritis or rheumatism, wash and dry green cabbage leaves. Then crush them with a rolling pin to remove the juices. Apply this preparation on the painful joints and protect with a band of tissue. Soaked in olive oil, the leaves are effective for cracking. The results of scientific studies show that eating cabbage two to three times a week would reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Cabbage Picture

Cabbage on a plate

Because of the smell, it gives off, cabbage is a neglected vegetable. However, just know how to cook to get its nutritional benefits. Before preparing it,  choose heavy and dense cabbage with tight, firm and shiny leaves. Like the salad, wash it well, remove the stalk and the damaged leaves. For fragile intestines, it is sufficient to precede steaming by boiling in an open dish without adding salt. You can add seeds of cumin or green anise to facilitate digestion.

How to cut Cabbage

The cabbage is integrated into a soup or soup with potatoes like the Portuguese Caldo Verde. Cabbage leaves can be used as a container for making chaplets by incorporating a stuffing in the center. It is enough to close with a stem of chives to form a small purse. You can also opt for the essential recipe, sauerkraut. For people who want to keep all the therapeutic virtues of cabbage, prepare it in juice. You have to choose organic cabbage leaves that are immersed in a little-mineralized water at 40 ° for 10 seconds. It is necessary to repeat the operation 3 times before chopping and squeezing to extract the juice.

The interesting recipe you should try is Egg roll bowl.

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