Raspberry or Rubus idaeus is a succulent and bushy shrub. That gives raspberries. Fruit full of health benefits and virtues.
Raspberries can range in color. From the popular red and black varieties to purple. Also i yellow, or golden. Each color berry has a unique composition of vitamin, minerals, and antioxidants.
Its branches can reach 2 m high. It grows in the wild at the edge of the forest. Also in the mountainous areas of Europe. Besides that, its etymology comes from the contraction of “wild strawberry”.
With leaves, make yourself a diuretic tea and very pleasantly scented. You’ll need 60 g of leaves per liter of water. Raspberry leaves are also astringent. They are very effective in case of intestinal problems. Especially against diarrhea.
In external use, leaves are particularly effective. For example in gargles if you have a sore throat. Mouthwash if you suffer from canker sores. Or as a lotion on ulcers and application on irritated eyes.
Raspberry leaves invigorate the uterus. They are used in herbal tea. That is to say, to prepare labor for delivery by increasing the strength of contractions. Mixed with alchemilla, lemon balm, nettle, millefeuilles and St. John’s Wort in equal amounts.
It is a d elicious, refreshing, diuretic and laxative fruit. Most importantly, it’s very poor in sucrose, it is not prohibited to diabetics.
This fruit contains folic acid (vitamin B9). Therefore, it’s recommended for pregnant women in early pregnancy. It is also said to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Consummation tips
For example, it is a nature source of sugar. You should consume it raw. In other words, in juice, coulis, pastries, sorbets. With it, we also make liqueurs and brandies.
38 kcal / 100 g. Raspberry contains vitamin C (25 mg / 100 g). It is very rich in mineral elements. Such as iron, calcium, magnesium. With 0.7 mg / 100 g, it is one of the richest fruits in iron). Also rich in fiber. So it regulates intestinal transit. Leaves are astringent and tonic. Besides that, depurative and diuretic. The organic acids contained in raspberry help to rebalance the pH of the blood after a sporting effort.