

Parsley or garden parsley 

(Petroselium crispum) is a species of flowering plant. Belongs to the family Apiaceae. That is native to the central Mediterranean region. But has naturalized elsewhere in Europe. Also, widely cultivated as a herb, a spice, and a vegetable. Some know it only as an attractive leaf garnish. That’s ignored. Not eaten. It’s true that parsley leaves are an attractive plant. With small, scalloped leaves, but it has more than a pretty appearance.

Very popular herb. Often used in American, European, and Middle Eastern cooking.

Commonly used to elevate the flavor of dishes. Such as, soups, salads, and fish recipes.


Buying tips

Always choose the one with firm stems and beautiful green leaves. Yellow or soft leaves are a sign of lack of freshness. The fresher it is, the higher is vitamin C content. It is, therefore, necessary to use it quickly.

Health benefits

During pregnancy, the woman has increased requirements for minerals. Iron deficiency can be responsible for abnormalities in the development of the fetus. In the absence of meat consumption, it is necessary to consume pulses, parsley, salad… So you avoid iron deficiency.

It causes, facilitates or regulates menstrual flow.

Consume before the meal to stimulate the digestive system.

Parsley is recognized as an anti-spasmodic action against the digestive system. It opens the appetite. Also, promotes gastric digestion.

Parsley has an important diuretic action and a general depurative action. Some of its flavonoid compounds have a diuretic activity, accentuated by the presence of potassium in large quantities. Also a very high potassium/sodium ratio (1000/40). Also it contains apiol. an aromatic substance of phenolic nature. As well as apioside, a flavonoid with a diuretic property.


These same flavonoids play a beneficial role in the vascular system. They have preventive properties against thromboembolic accidents. Therefore, it has significant vascular actions and anti-anemic action.

As an infusion or decoction – it has been used since ancient times as a remedy. Very good to fight against anemia, it also recognizes a tonic and stimulating power. Also recommended for its resolutive action since it manages to calm inflammation, poultice or friction. Added to this sedative properties: helps to find calm and serenity …

Also, may improve your health in the following ways as well:

  • Antibacterial properties
  • Benefits bone health
  • Boosts immunity
  • Enhance liver health

For a better breath

It has reputation for fighting bad breath. Like banana, kiwi, blueberry, basil, and spinach, fresh parsley would capture some of the sulfide compounds formed in the mouth and intestines. Particularly following ingestion of garlic or garlic derivatives. Some of it’s active ingredients, such as phenolic compounds, may play a role in the reactions observed.



Parsley is a true concentrate of vitamins and minerals. It can usefully supplement the intake of vitamin C and pro-vitamin A, potassium, iron, manganese. And this virtually without extra calories: 10 g of chopped parsley, represent less than 5 calories. This is why it is advisable to always add it to the dishes.

In addition to vitamin and mineral:

Very rich in vitamins A and C, iron and trace elements. Its extreme richness in vitamin C makes it a precious food. But as it is only consumed in the garnish, the total intake of vitamin C is not very high.

Although it’s consumed in small quantities, it can be used to fill up with potassium (800 mg / 100 g), calcium (200 mg / 100 g), magnesium and iron (5.5 mg / 100 g ). So many substances essential to our health.

Consummation tips

The main advantage is its richness in vitamin C. With 200 mg / 100 g, it greatly exceeds citrus fruits.

However, during cooking, this precious vitamin disappears quickly. Just like the good part of carotene. Along with antioxidant properties, that it contains. So, consume it raw and especially fresh.

It’s better assimilated, if it is finely chopped, like all raw vegetables.

The main advantage is its richness in vitamin C. With 200 mg / 100 g, it greatly exceeds citrus fruits.

However, during cooking, this precious vitamin disappears quickly. Just like the good part of carotene. Along with antioxidant properties, that it contains. So, consume it raw and especially fresh.

It’s better assimilated, if it is finely chopped, like all raw vegetables.


In taboulé for a complete contribution. The tabouleh Lebanese, is a salad with parsley, prepared at the last moment. To preserve the fragile vitamin C, consume raw. It provides few nutrients, when consumed in small portions. On the other hand, it proves to be a food particularly interesting from a nutritional point of view. If it’s consumed in greater quantity.

Storage tips

Pilch must absolutely be washed thoroughly. Because it’s leaves tend to retain the soil. Shake it gently by the stems in a water bath, then wipe it.

Immerse the stems in the glass of water. When it is fresh. And you can keep it a few days in the bouquet.

You can put it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Once enclosed in a perforated plastic bag. To keep it longer, put it in a partially filled container of water. And keep it in the refrigerator. It supports freezing very well. Then, tidy its leaves in an ice cube tray covered with water. Alternate method: chop it finely, let it dry for two hours on a plate. After that, put it in a freezer bag.



We can let it dry upside down in a dark and airy room. When it cringes between the fingers, drying is finished. Just have to keep it away from the light. In an airtight container for several months. But this mode of conservation makes him lose a lot of flavors. But also a large number of nutrients.

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